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Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2023

Work Life

Normally ofter finishing your degree it is very difficult to find a formal jon, but normally the work is found in hospitals, other clinics or your own. It is difficult to do your job when you have just graduated from university because most jobs require work experience to be able to ofter you a job.Has a physiotherapist., we must develop work skills much as a communication and knowledge in the area.So years have to pass to be able to establish themselves in the field and have recognition among people.

Student Lifestyle

The life of a univertisity student and especially in a field of health is complicated and very students especially with classes and schedules.Howeres it is also very fun during the day.Your have many subjets, some easy some difficult.During the day we are as students we are very hungy and we always look for nearby and cheap places to eat. The must hateful part is when your do projects and exams another thing to mention are the schedules that prevent us from doing other activities because they normally take up the full day.


The clothing consists of pants and a shirt.This uniform is essential to attend university.The material depends on where you buy the uniform.Finally the uniform must be embroidered with your name and degree.Honestly, my current uniform is not very confortable an the material is rigid.I dont like it very mucho but is a new students can request and recommend uniforms that they like.There are many pages that sell very pages where you can find very beatiful surgical uniforms.

Study Plan

The study plan is diferent in all universites.The plan varied for years the experience, here depending on the institute your choice is importan for your future.The study plan is good in BUAP. BUAP offers in the plan of 4 years and 1 year of social service and or presenting a thesis to obtain your degree and customatie graduation.

Where You Can Studyes

You can study physiotherapy at universities that ofter a degree and that have experience training physiotherapists.One of the best universities to study physiotherapy is BUAP where i study currently.This university has been responsable for training health professionals who are experts in the subjet of physiotherapy.Many universities offern a physiotherapy for example IPETH, CREE, ANAHUAC and several universities are publics and for private.